Greatest accomplished plan in human history

Greatest accomplished plan in human history

By Bro Kofee

The Great Wall of China took ~ 200 years to make
The Plan of God to redeem mankind from sin took ~ 400 years
Genesis 1:26-28
God created human in His own image
He puts purpose in plants and animals that seem meaningless to us, so how much more purpose He must have given us, who are created in His own image
He gave us the Ability to think, be creative, ability to communicate and have fellowship, desire to love, freedom to choose
Hence, The more we know Him, the more we know ourselves
Our value is because we are in the image of God
He created us to have dominion, and Be fruitful, and, That was the initial purpose of God
Genesis 2:16-17
Genesis 3:1-6

Even after Noah, sin entered again in mankind
The only solution was to forgive man
That could be done only by a sacrifice that was without any blemish and completely pure.

Jesus became a curse for us to be a blessing
Romans 8:28-29
Jesus Christ is our model
Romans 10:9-11

Another purpose was to make disciples so that His work may be carried forward

Jesus’ Ultimate purpose was to reconnect us with God the Father

God has a purpose for each one of us
We are important people with a purpose. We have no time to waste. Nothing is impossible. God has a plan for us and He will make a way.

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