God, our Heavenly Father

God, our Heavenly Father

Father’s Day Message by Ps. George

When God created everything,He said, it is good.
But when He created man, He said, it is very good!

Romans 8:14-17 proclaims that we have received the Spirit of Adoption as sons of God.

He’s our good Father.

Galatians 3:26 says, that our sonship is in Christ Jesus

John 1:12-13 reads that He gave us the right to be children of God, who were born of God.

Psalms 103:13 compares the compassion of the earthy father, to the compassion our Heavebly Father has for us, and that He remembers us that we are dust.

According to a survey, the average amount of time a father spends withhis child is 8minutes a week.

-The responsibilities of an earthly father as prescribed by the Holy Bible :

  1. Show compassion (Jeremiah 3:19)
  2. Show mercy (2Cor 1:3)
  3. Show comfort (Psalm 68:5)
  4. Provide all basic necessities of the family (Matthew 6:26-33)
  5. Form the character of the child through discipline (Deut 8:5)

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